Using Divi Pre-Made Layouts

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By Trace at SuperDivine Web & Tech
Published:September 15, 2018
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Don’t know about the Pre-Made Layout Packs that come with your Divi theme and builder system? Here’s a quick blog post and video overview.
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Hiya, Trace from Super Divine Web Design with a quick tea break video, showing your how to access, load and edit a pre-made page layout.

Your Divi Builder comes with 72 packs, each with at least 5 pages to choose from.

Find a page that has the type of content and flow you’re looking for.

Load it into a new page. Enable your Visual Builder, and start editing!

Swap over text content for your own, replace the stock images, and save!

What next?

Once you’ve made all the text content changes, swapped your images, and made sure that all text fonts are in line with your branding, you can replace the current published “live” page with your new content.

One of two options:

Either make the current “live” page a “Draft” status under the “Quick Edit” option. Press Update. Rename your NEW page to match the OLD page. Make sure it’s “Published” status. Go to “Appearance — Menus”. Find NEW page in page listings, and ADD TO MENU. Rename the page title. Remove the old page from Menu. SAVE MENU.

Or…you can:

Save the NEW page as a Layout to your Library. Open current “live” page and select “LOAD LAYOUT” – choose from Library.

Make sure the “Replace existing content” option is ticked. Load layout. Update.

Much easier option to be honest!

I’ve also mentioned a website called Divi Layouts – you can download free and premium page layouts that you import into your Divi Library.

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If you have questions about using pre-made page layouts, please pop over to my Facebook page, and I’d be more than happy to help out.

Bye for now,

Trace x