7 Super Reasons to Switch to WordPress

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By Trace at SuperDivine Web & Tech
Published:November 10, 2014
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Reasons to Switch to WordPress by Super SecretaryHere at Super Secretary, I love all things WordPress and developed my very affordable website design service to specifically help start-up businesses, online entrepreneurs, charities and voluntary organisations achieve an effective online presence quickly and well within their budget.

You do not need to spend thousands of pounds to launch your online presence and here are 7 Super Reasons to Switch to WordPress for your website!

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If you are currently using Wix, Moonfruit, Instabuilder (or similar) or have a Drupal or Joomla CMS site and:

  • Want to make SEO easier? Tip: If you haven’t submitted a Sitemap or are not using Google Webmaster Tools, your current website will be very poorly ranked. Get in touch if you need a hand with your set up.
  • Hate paying £50.00 per hour for your website developer to make small changes?
  • Want to write a regular blog to help drive traffic to your site and improve SEO rankings?
  • Want a unique look for your brand that is easily maintained or changed?
  • Want to be in control of your website?
  • Want more time to work ON your business?
  • Need a responsive website that looks fantastic across all devices?

Super Secretary WordPress website designIf you answered YES to any of these questions, I do hope you explore the many advantages of creating a gorgeous online presence using WordPress.

As always, thanks for reading! If you have any questions about making the switch to WordPress, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’m more than happy to answer any techie concerns you may have.

PS: Shameless plug for my current WordPress website design offer – there’s 20% off any WordPress website if you reserve your project before 31st December 2014. Bargain-tastic!