A little post on how to keep those *Happy Eyes* on when things are not going so well…
So my little chickadees, it’s Friday afternoon. Has it been a helluva week?
Just how do you stay happy?
Working from a home office certainly has its perks…free coffee and I can play the radio as loud as I like! However, I do know from posts that I read on Facebook and other blogs that home working can be very isolating and make you feel a little overwhelmed at times.
So..how in the Dickens do you stay motivated and not throw yourself into a pit of despair when your mojo seems to have gone on holiday?
Woah there Nelly, no cake *isn’t* the answer to this little dilemma, although it certainly helps!
Below are just some of my motivational tactics but I’d love to hear yours – please do send in your comments:
- Go for a walk – my regular followers on Twitter @Super_Secretary already know about Stanley Stafford #officedog and our little exploits but honestly, nothing beats a good stride out in the fresh air to clear away those cobwebs and let your brain just go into free flow. (Try it, with or without a faithful hound by your side).
- Take a bath – I really enjoy chilling out in a warm bath scented with my favourite bubbles and immersing myself in a fantastic book (usually a Jack Reacher one!) Reading is an excellent distraction technique. You’re focusing on plot developments and such like which transports you away from the minutiae of other pesky problems.
- Phone someone – if I have a particular work challenge, am very lucky to have a little network of buddies that I can rely on to give me a bit of a boost. We all need someone to affirm that you’re doing good stuff and yes it will all be worthwhile in the end. Remember to offer mutual support to your network when they need it of course – don’t be a Toxic Taker!!
- Take a half day – yup, you heard me – switch off that laptop, shut the door to the office and just do something else! Your workload will still be there later that evening or tomorrow. Definitely avoid working when you are ill – you won’t produce your best stuff and your client won’t appreciate a second-rate job. For all of you now screaming at the screen “But I’ve got bloody deadlines my good woman?!!” Uh-huh. If you are constantly putting yourself under pressure to achieve deadlines, you ain’t working efficiently and are what I call a “Last Minute Lucy“. Why not read Killer Time Management Tips!! *dodges missiles thrown in my general direction*
- Play Pointless! There is a daily quiz show on BBC1 (for those of you reading from overseas) that is essential viewing and I play along on Twitter with The #Pointless Gang – great fun and also gives the old grey cells a bit of a workout.
- Zumba! What can I say? Endorphins folks…you gotta love ’em. Seriously though, I generally sit on my butt for most of the day which isn’t a good thing so exercise is a necessity. A healthy body, healthy mind, blah, blah blah!
So, there you have it. Those are some of mine. But what are yours? Please do share your thoughts and comments – love to hear from you.
Have a great weekend.